North Cyprus History

3 December, 2009
Soli Theatre


About 2 kilometres west of Lefke is the ancient city of Soli. It is not difficult to find as the white roof that covers the basilica floor can be seen from the road, but the turning is well hidden and […]
30 November, 2009
Kyrenia Harbour

Old Kyrenia and the Venetian Harbour

Kyrenia, with its picturesque harbour and adjacent castle is called the “Jewel of Cyprus”. It is, quite simply, exquisite! The town was probably founded circa tenth century BC and was one of the original city kingdoms. Its position on the […]
25 October, 2009

Bellapais Abbey

Bellapais Abbey | Kyrenia The Abbey of Bellapais has drawn visitors to the island of Cyprus since medieval times when the abbey was built. From the pilgrims who trod the ancient paths in search of a miracle through to the […]
26 October, 2009
Buffavento Castle

Buffavento Castle

 As the name implies, this castle is buffeted by the winds, and standing at 3,100 feet it is the highest and most inaccessible of the three castles. To get there, take the turning that is signposted at the top of […]
25 October, 2009

Church of St. George of the Greeks

Church of St. George of the Greeks | Famagusta Built beside the small Byzantine church of St Symeon, the church of St. George was the Orthodox Cathedral. An elegant mix of Gothic and Byzantine styles it was intended to rival […]
22 November, 2009

Antiphonitis Monastery

Hidden away in a wooded valley approximately 4 miles (6.5km) from the village of Esentepe is the 12th C church of Antiphonitis, (Christ of the Echo). It is not difficult to find, just follow the signs from Esentepe village centre, […]
25 October, 2009

Kyrenia Castle

Kyrenia Castle | Kyrenia The history of Kyrenia castle, shares its origin with the mountain castles and was built by the Byzantines for the same defensive reasons, to repel the Arab raiders of the 7th C. It is possible that […]
25 October, 2009

Ayios Philon

Ayios Philon | Karpaz Follow the signs marked “Oasis at Ay Philon” from Dipkarpaz and the route twists through the village eventually emerging above the north coast. Below on the shore can be seen the ruins of the 12thC church […]
22 November, 2009


This picturesque site dating from the Bronze Age (C1600 – 1050 BC) is to be found on the right side of the road between Camlibel and Yilmazkoy. Set back about 100 metres from the main road, the site is surrounded […]
26 October, 2009

Kampanopetra Basilica

There is a track from the Temple of Zeus that leads towards the sea and the site of the Kampanopetra basilica or Harbour basilica. This is a serenely peaceful, and probably the most alluring, part of Salamis. Its attraction lies […]